A Comparative Study and Analysis of Text Summarization Methods
NLP, Text mining, Text Summarization, Extractive, AbstractiveAbstract
This Various text summarization methods, such as extractive, abstractive, and human abstraction concepts have been compared in terms of performance, each with its specialties and limitations. This research analyses comparisons among the methods and some of their techniques used in text summarization. Our initial contribution is to suggest a thorough overview of the methods. The research methodology aims to compare text summarization methods through a systematic literature review to understand the topic and select appropriate methods. The search method involves keyword-based and citation-based techniques using academic search engines. The comparison of methods will consider various evaluation criteria such as document structure, content importance, quantitative approach, qualitative approach, dependency on machine learning, sentence generation, central concept identification, human involvement, representation in mathematics, and historical approaches. The methods would be evaluated based on these criteria to provide an objective and comprehensive comparison. No method consistently produces accurate text summaries. The best course of action will depend on the particulars and constraints of the current work because each method has both positive and negative aspects. The two primary methods for text summarization were discovered to be extractive and abstractive. This comparison study analysed various text summary and revealing each method's positive attributes and drawbacks. By giving a comprehensive overview of the main two methods, this comparative analysis advances the subject of text summarizing.
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