Automatic Attendance Recording System Using Facial Recognition
Face Recognition, Attendance Monitoring, MATLABAbstract
The student attendance is collected either manually or digitally through an RFID card. Recently, some of the institutions adopted the use of dynamic QR codes for attendance monitoring. However, these systems are challenging to maintain and time-consuming. The student can easily manipulate signatures for attendance monitoring. Moreover, the QR code system requires the application on both the lecturer and student sides. The lecturer needs to set up the QR code while using the mobile app to use the system. Therefore, it is time-consuming and sacrifices several minutes at the beginning of each class. The student also sometimes has difficulty in using the app leading to manual data insertion. Therefore, this project aims to solve this issue by using the facial recognition system on a lecturer’s laptop to collect the attendances. This project requires the use of a webcam and MATLAB to perform facial image recognition. This work utilizes face detection algorithm in the MATLAB image processing toolbox to build a system that will detect and recognize the frontal faces of students in a classroom. Firstly, several images of students will be recorded in a database. Then, a GUI-based application automatically identifies a face and matches it with the database created. Lecturers will use the GUI on their laptops, and students will show their faces to the web camera for their attendance to be taken. The system was tested successfully where student face was successfully recognized and recorded in the attendance monitoring system. Only registered user faces will be detected.
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