Simulating the Effectiveness of an IoT Parcel Alert System for Enhancing Delivery Efficiency and Safety During Covid-19


  • Ahmad Anwar Zainuddin Department of Computer Science Kuliyyah Information Communication Technology, IIUM, Malaysia
  • Hafizah Mansor Department of Computer Science Kuliyyah Information Communication Technology, IIUM, Malaysia
  • Nurul Iffah Badrulhisham Department of Computer Science Kuliyyah Information Communication Technology, IIUM, Malaysia
  • Nurul Nabilah Zulkifli Department of Computer Science Kuliyyah Information Communication Technology, IIUM, Malaysia
  • Aisyah Afiqah Mohd Ridzal Department of Computer Science Kuliyyah Information Communication Technology, IIUM, Malaysia
  • Nasyitah Ghazalli Research and Technology, Thales, United Kingdom



Parcel Delivery Alert System, IoT, Sensors, MARS Simulator


The Internet of Things (IoT) has revolutionized the way devices communicate and interact with one another. Malaysia has witnessed a substantial increase in online purchasing in recent years. The COVID-19 pandemic and the Malaysian government's mobility control order (MCO) have contributed to the rise in online sales. This circumstance has resulted in a substantial increase in the number of packages that Malaysian delivery firms must manage, producing issues for both homeowners and delivery services. Unattended parcel delivery, parcel loss, and unsuccessful delivery efforts have become widespread. This paper proposes an IoT-based Parcel Delivery Alert System to address the challenges associated with unattended parcel delivery, parcel loss, and failed delivery attempts. The system comprises a parcel safe box that integrates with IoT sensors, such as weight and load sensors, image sensors, and light sensors. The IoT sensors provide real-time information about the delivery status and alert the recipient once the delivery has been made. The system's efficiency and effectiveness were evaluated using the MARS simulator, demonstrating a significant improvement in parcel delivery performance. This paper presents the design, development, and simulation of an IoT-based Parcel Delivery Alert System that can enhance the delivery experience while minimizing delivery-related problems. The paper describes the design and development of the parcel safe box and the eventual evolution of the system. One can acquire access to the safe box by scanning the tracking number on the package's delivery label using a QR code.


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How to Cite

A. A. . Zainuddin, H. . Mansor, N. I. . Badrulhisham, N. N. . Zulkifli, A. A. . Mohd Ridzal, and N. . Ghazalli, “Simulating the Effectiveness of an IoT Parcel Alert System for Enhancing Delivery Efficiency and Safety During Covid-19”, Malaysian J. Sci. Adv. Tech., vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 28–36, Mar. 2023.


