Harmonic Analysis and Mitigation of Mass Adoption for Electric Vehicle Charging Station (100kW) in Distribution System
Renewable Energy, Harmonics, Distortion Filters, Solar PV, Electric Vehicle (EV)Abstract
The electric vehicle (EV) brings such a sustainable and hopes for future generation of automobiles industries and transportation industries as well. Market of penetration of EVs in the current market is quite outstanding and has been increase drastically in the recent years. With the integration, development, and introduction of EV, it adds more challenge towards electrical engineer to identify, acknowledge the impact of EV in term of power quality issues like harmonics, voltage stability, etc. when the EV is connected to the grid system. Hence, it is essential for engineers to evaluate all potential grid impacts due to EV integration to ensure the grid operation is operating at optimum and safe condition without effecting any equipment. This paper will identify and investigate the effects of harmonics when EV is connected to the grid system and identify the most suitable method to mitigate the harmonics that occur due to the EV charging station. The scope of this paper is limited to 8 numbers of EV charging station rated at 100kW output. This paper will also be focusing more on power quality issues in context of harmonics distortion that occurs when the amount of EVs charging station is connected to the distribution system. The most economic ways to counter and mitigate the presence of harmonics with the usage of either active or passive filter in the system also been considered.
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