Does Number Changes of Open Manometers Filled with Pure Water Impact Wind Speeds in Venturi Tube Systems?




Ventury tube, Manometer of open, Wind speed, Wind speed gradient


Fluid flow in a venturi tube (VT) is a dynamic fluid phenomenon that plays an important role in human life. Flow safety control is necessary by installing several manometers of open (MoO) containing static fluid. The study's purpose was to know the change impacts of the number of installed MoOs against flow speed characters within VTs from conditions of 1 to 2 MoOs. The research uses experimental methods. The main research equipment includes 1 blower-rheostat system, 1 VT with 8 different diameters, and 2 MoOs containing pure water. Data analysis was done using SPSS. Within measurement intervals of 4 Ω ≤ R ≤ 281 Ω and 4.58 cm ≤ d ≤ 9.45 cm, the study showed the comparison of the mean of wind speed, wind speed gradient to R (d fixed), convergent wind speed gradient to d (R fixed), and divergent wind speed gradient to d (R fixed) between 1-MoO and 2-MoO type, respectively, were1. 21E+01 ms-1 vs 1.55E+01 ms-1, -2.73E-02 ms-1Ω-1 vs -4.11E-02 ms-1Ω-1, -3.13E+02 s-1 vs -4.25E+02 s-1, and -4.31E+02 s-1 vs -4.84E+02 s-1. While its impact differences are insignificant, insignificant, significant, and insignificant, respectively.


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How to Cite

I Gede Rasagama, “Does Number Changes of Open Manometers Filled with Pure Water Impact Wind Speeds in Venturi Tube Systems?”, Malaysian J. Sci. Adv. Tech., vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 92–99, Mar. 2024.


