Water Quality Monitoring System Based on Microcontroller and LoRa
Water Pollution, LoRa, Wireless CommunicationAbstract
Water is essential for human and other lives such as marine and plants. However, water pollutions are a serious issue that needs to be solved. One of the actions that needs to be taken is to monitor the water quality regularly. However, many areas still used manual monitoring due to high cost of automatic monitoring system. Hence, this study aims to develop a low-cost and low-power water pollution monitoring system using a microcontroller and long-range wireless system (LoRa). The system monitors the water pollutions through pH and temperature sensor. Next, the data transmitted to a host PC wirelessly through LoRa communication. The data received will bs stored in a cloud with GUI. Moreover, the system equipped with a PV panel and Lithium-ion battery storage. This will allow the system to be deployed in remote areas with no power sources. The system performance on pollution detection and transmission distance were tested via several experiments. Several substances with different pH values were used simulate polluted water. Meanwhile, the data transmission was evaluated through several distance parameters. The results show the system successfully able to monitor polluted water with high accuracy and capable to transmit long-range data wireless. Hence, the system has efficient power usage through few numbers of sensors alongside LoRa that uses low power for communication.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Mohamad Hanis Farhan Mohd Reduan , Abdul Malik Mohd Ali, M. Reyasudin Basir Khan

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